

  • amazing_pig

    The Amazing Pig!

    Grades K-12 (DVD 5 min.) This introduction to pork production helps students understand how pigs are fed and cared for and the contributions pork products make in our society. Video created by the Utah Pork Producers.

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  • Tree Fruits Flowchart

    Tree Fruits Flowchart

    Grades K-12 The Tree Fruits Flowchart is an informational sheet that describes the process of how tree fruit crops are grown and harvested, how the products get from the farm to the store, and nutrition facts. Words and graphics are used to portray this...

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  • UHT Milk

    UHT Milk

    Ultra High Temperature or UHT milk is sterilized milk which can be stored unrefrigerated for an extended period of time. It is also useful for studying bacterial growth.  Limit 5 per teacher

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  • Utah Agriculture Activity Map

    Utah Agriculture Activity Map

    Grades K-8 (Map) * Download only. Do not add to cart. * This map of Utah has been divided into counties and identifies the commodities produced there. Students can color and learn to use a legend. Order a classroom set of 30 printed maps by adding this...

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  • VR Viewer

    VR Viewer

    Experience Virtual Reality (VR) in agriculture with these collapsible viewers. Fits most Android and Apple phones. This QR code can be used to calibrate your Google Cardboard apps to work with your VR viewer.    New...

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  • Water Savers Game

    Water Savers Game

    Grades 6th-12th (Game) Water Savers is a board game developed for grades 6-12 and designed to support a group of 2-5 students. The game introduces environmental issues and sustainable farming practices to encourage understanding of issues within...

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  • 5 F's

    What is Agriculture?

    Grades K-12 (Poster) How would you define agriculture? Not with Merriam-Webster's Dictionary. That doesn't capture the importance of agriculture or how it touches all of our lives. Learn how to define agriculture with five words. The 5-F's of...

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  • What's Bugging You?

    What's Bugging You?

    Grades 3-8 (DVD 30 min.) This program focuses upon the role of insects in our environment, with up-close-and-personal accounts of several unique insects. ©1997

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  • Wheat Fall 2019

    Wheat Bundle

    Grades K-8 (Kit) Wheat is the most widely used grain across the globe. Experience threshing and grinding the wheat with your students while discussing how bread is made in different cultures. Each wheat bundle has 35 stalks of wheat. A Note on Wheat...

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  • WheatGermDNArefill

    Wheat Germ DNA Necklace Refill

    Grades 3-5 (Kit) This is a refill kit. Kit includes stir sticks, pipettes, microcentrifuge tubes, and yarn to refill the consumables in the Wheat Germ DNA Necklace kit. Includes enough refill materials for 30 students.

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  • Wheat Kernel Samples

    Wheat Kernel Samples

    Grades 3-5 (Kit) This kit contains kernels of the six classes of wheat grown in the United States and information cards describing their characteristics. Samples of Hard Red Winter, Hard Red Spring, Soft Red Winter, Soft White, Hard...

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  • where is it grown cards

    Where Does it Grow? Cards

    Grades 9-12 (Kit) This kit contains 36 cards with images of foods commonly found at a grocery store. This card set is printed on durable synthetic paper. Use the Where Does it Grow? cards with the World Fabric Map. A downloadable version of the cards...

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