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  • Living Science Careers Equipment Bags

    Last Chance Sale – Limited Supply! This item is now discounted and available while supplies last. We no longer carry the Living Science Career Cards, and we have a limited quantity of supplies for the career bags. Some items shown in the product...

    $72.00 $30.00
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  • mozzarella cheese

    Mozzarella Cheese

    Grades 3-12 (Kit) Students make fresh mozzarella cheese and explore a career as an artisan cheesemaker as they discover the science, art, and craft involved in the development of specialty cheeses. This kit includes rennet (enzymes), and citric acid...

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  • Mozzarella Cheese - Mini

    Mozzarella Cheese - Mini

    Grades 3-12 (Mini Kit) This kit includes enough materials for two batches of cheese. Full Mozzarella Cheese kits, which include materials to make six batches of cheese, are also available for purchase.  Students make fresh mozzarella cheese and...

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  • MyPlate Activity Poster

    MyPlate Activity Poster

    Grades K-12 (Poster) Use this 30" x 26" MyPlate Activity Poster in conjunction with the Food Models or other pictures of food to teach your students about food groups and healthy eating. MyPlate is the USDA's visual nutrition guide, which depicts a...

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  • informational flowchart on nuts

    Nuts Flowchart

    Grades K-12 The Nuts Flowchart is a two-sided informational sheet that describes the process of how nuts are grown and harvested, how they get from the farm to the store, and nutrition facts. Words and graphics are used to portray this information for...

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  • informational flowchart about oilseeds

    Oilseeds Flowchart

    Grades K-12 The Oilseeds Flowchart is an informational sheet that describes the process of how oilseed crops are grown and harvested, how the products get from the farm to the store, and nutrition facts. Words and graphics are used to portray this...

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  • On the Flip Side

    On the Flip Side

    Grades 9-12 (Kit) These interactive "On the Flip Side" cards enable students to assess the environmental impact of raising livestock within our food system from multiple perspectives. Students will use the cards to explore connections between livestock...

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  • Origami Flower

    Origami Parts of a Flower

    Grades 6-12 (Kit) Explore the parts of a flower by creating origami flower models. This kit contains instructions and enough origami paper, chenille stems, and beads to make 30 flowers. Origami flower folding instructions can be found in the Origami...

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  • packing peanuts

    Packing Peanuts

    Grades 3-12 (Kit) Engage students in a quick and simple activity using a product that can be made from either renewable or non-renewable resources, packing peanuts. This kit contains enough petroleum-based, Styrofoam packing peanuts and corn-based,...

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  • Paper Circuits

    Paper Circuits

    Grades 6-12 (Kit) Paper circuits are an exciting way for students to learn how electrical circuits work. This kit includes 3mm LEDs in assorted colors, copper tape, 3-volt coin cell batteries and activity Instructions. There are enough supplies for 30...

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  • Planet Zorcon

    Planet Zorcon

    Grades 3-12 (Kit) This interactive group activity will help your students understand the limited resources available for consumption on earth. Students will work in groups to explore the connection between individual behavior and resource use, explain...

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  • Popcorn on the Cob

    Popcorn on the Cob

    Grades K-12 (Kit) Pop popcorn right off the cob! Simply remove the plastic, place the ear of popcorn in a brown paper bag, roll the end, and microwave. Lesson plans associated with this kit can be found on the National Agricultural Literacy Curriculum...

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