Living Necklace (Cucumber Seeds) Grades 3-12 (Kit) Grow your own necklace! This kit contains enough materials for 30 students to plant two cucumber seeds, one bitter and one non-bitter, in a mini ziplock bag and the yarn necessary to create a living necklace. Given a few days, and some... $14.00 Add to Cart Compare
Living Necklace (Wheat & Soybean Seeds) Grades K-5 (Kit) Grow your own necklace! This kit contains enough materials for 30 students to plant a wheat, and soybean seed in a mini ziplock bag and the yarn necessary to create a living necklace. Given a few days, and some water, the necklace will... $8.00 Add to Cart Compare
Living Science Careers Equipment Bags Last Chance Sale – Limited Supply! This item is now discounted and available while supplies last. We no longer carry the Living Science Career Cards, and we have a limited quantity of supplies for the career bags. Some items shown in the product... $72.00 $30.00 Add to Cart Compare
Lunch Cards Grades K-5 (Kit) This kit contains 24 cards with images of foods commonly found in lunch boxes around the world. The Lunch Cards are designed to be an add-on to the World Fabric Map. The answer key and a downloadable version of the cards can be... $8.00 Add to Cart Compare
Make Mine Milk Grades K-8 (DVD 27 min.) This DVD integrates curriculum areas such as geography, science, and mathematics. Elementary kids learn where milk comes from, how milk is transported and processed, and how milk contributes to a nutritious diet... $12.00 Add to Cart Compare
Moo 2 You Grades K-5 (DVD 14 min.) What happens when the substitute teacher, Ms. Moo, leads the class for a day? Join Ms. Moo in a fun, fast mooving learning experience for grade students. Through zany games of "Moo-nopoly" & "Pyramid of Power" Ms. Moo and... $12.00 Add to Cart Compare
Mozzarella Cheese Grades 3-12 (Kit) Students make fresh mozzarella cheese and explore a career as an artisan cheesemaker as they discover the science, art, and craft involved in the development of specialty cheeses. This kit includes rennet (enzymes), and citric acid... $10.00 Choose Options Compare
Mozzarella Cheese - Mini Grades 3-12 (Mini Kit) This kit includes enough materials for two batches of cheese. Full Mozzarella Cheese kits, which include materials to make six batches of cheese, are also available for purchase. Students make fresh mozzarella cheese and... $5.00 Choose Options Compare
My Farm Web Grades K-5 (Kit) An interactive activity with color prints, which has students create a 'farm web' to visually showcase how agriculture is a part of their lives. Designed specifically for a younger audience, the lesson helps students understand all that... $15.00 Add to Cart Compare
MyPlate Activity Poster Grades K-12 (Poster) Use this 30" x 26" MyPlate Activity Poster in conjunction with the Food Models or other pictures of food to teach your students about food groups and healthy eating. MyPlate is the USDA's visual nutrition guide, which depicts a... $8.00 Add to Cart Compare
NAITC Brochure Bundle This bundle of 100 brochures is available to National Agriculture in the Classroom Organization state and territory program leaders. All others interested in ordering the brochure please email with your request. The price... $20.00 Add to Cart Compare
Nuts Flowchart Grades K-12 The Nuts Flowchart is a two-sided informational sheet that describes the process of how nuts are grown and harvested, how they get from the farm to the store, and nutrition facts. Words and graphics are used to portray this information for... $36.00 Add to Cart Compare