
Companion Resources

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  • informational flowchart on grains

    Grains Flowchart

    Grades K-12 The Grains Flowchart is an informational sheet that describes the process of how grains are grown and harvested, how they get from the farm to the store, and nutrition facts. Words and graphics are used to portray this information for...

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  • hand lens store logo

    Hand Lens

    Durable hand held magnifier. Large 2" magnifying lens with 3X power and smaller spot lens magnifies up to 5X power. Great for looking at seeds, soil, cotton fibers, and wool fibers. 

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  • Hen House Prototype

    Hen House Prototype

    Grades 6-12 (Kit) Creating a prototype is an integral part of the engineering process. Adding paper circuits and fans to a cardboard model can be a cost-effective way for students to build a prototype. Kit contains enough materials for students to work...

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  • herbs and spices cards

    Herbs and Spices Cards

    Grades 9-12 (Kit) This kit contains 30 cards with images of herbs and spices from around the world. The Herbs and Spices Cards are designed to be an add-on to the World Fabric Map. A larger downloadable version of the cards can be found in the...

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  • heredity box

    Heredity in a Box

    Grades 3-5 (Kit) This kit is designed to support various forms of homeschool, virtual learning, and online classes, this kit provides ready-to-use supplies to facilitate hands-on learning and discovery. Each kit contains materials for one student to...

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  • Fish Sandwich

    How Do You Grow a Fish Sandwich?

    Grades K-8 (DVD 17 min.) Have you heard of hydroponics or aquaculture? In this program, you get a fish-eye view of fish and lettuce production in an ecologically-closed system. We look at plant and fish life cycles, showing how each is dependent upon...

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  • Jewel Bags

    Jewel Bags

    Clear recloseable zip top bags. The bags measure 2" X 3" and have a hole punched in the top. Great for making living necklaces. Purchase in a bundle of 100 or a box of 1,000.  

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  • Flavor Oils

    Lavender Essential Oil

    We currently have Bulgarian Lavender Essential Oil. This plant is specifically grown in Bulgaria, and is very different in scent to the other Lavender oils, since it is more floral, fruity, and true to Lavender than the other Lavender oils. Use...

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  • learning leaps

    Learning by Leaps: Agriculture and You!

    Grades K-5 (DVD 14 min.) The stars of this DVD are 10-year-old girlfriends who are given an assignment to report on "where things we use everyday come from." The students discover, with the help of a friendly farmer who magically "leaps" with the girls...

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  • informational flowchart about livestock

    Livestock Flowchart

    Grades K-12 The Livestock Flowchart is an information sheet that describes the processes of how an animal grows, how it gets from the farm to the store, and what products are produced from that animal. Words and simple graphics are used to portray this...

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  • living necklace bean

    Living Necklace (Bean Seeds)

    Grades 3-5 (Kit) Grow your own necklace! This kit contains enough materials for 15 students to plant two bean seeds and two bean embryos in a mini ziplock bags. Students will add yarn to create living necklaces. Given a few days the necklace will be...

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  • Living Necklace Corn

    Living Necklace (Corn Seeds)

    Grades 3-5 (Kit) Grow your own necklace! This kit contains enough materials for 30 students to plant popcorn, and Indian corn seeds in a mini ziplock bag and the yarn necessary to create a living necklace. Given a few days, and some water, the necklace...

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