Due to genetic variations in the current stock of soybean varieties, growth rates may differ. This variation could unintentionally mislead students into thinking the difference is due to one being genetically modified (GM) and the other being conventional, when in fact, that is not the case. To ensure accurate learning outcomes, we are temporarily removing this kit from our inventory.
Grades 9-12 (Kit)
This lab allows students a hands-on opportunity to see and handle the seeds and/or plants of both conventional soybeans and genetically modified soybeans. If time is short, do the GM Soybean Seed Test. If you have additional time and resources to grow the soybeans, do the GM Soybean Leaf Test. The leaf test allows students the unique opportunity to not only compare the seed, but the germination and growth of conventional and GM soybean plants. Students will use a leaf sample from both plant varieties to test for the presence of the CP4 EPSPS protein.
Testing materials includes:
- 3 Conventional soybeans
- 3 Genetically Modified "Roundup Ready"® soybeans
- 2 QuickStix test strips
- 2 transfer pipettes
- 2 microcentrifuge tubes
- 2 micropestles
- 2 stir sticks
*This lab can be completed as a classroom demonstration or by placing students in small lab groups. For a classroom demonstration, you will need one GM Soybean Leaf Kit per class. To allow students to perform the test in groups, provide one kit per group.
This kit is designed to accompany the lesson The Science of a GMO found on the National Agricultural Literacy Curriculum Matrix. Additional lesson plans associated with this kit can be found on the National Agricultural Literacy Curriculum Matrix.
Please Note: If you are not using this kit immediately, the contents of the kit need to be stored in a refrigerator. DO NOT place in the freezer. Please use this kit within 6 months.
GM Soybean Leaf Test Kits can only ship to teachers or students in the United States!
To demystify the science concerning molecular biology and genetics consider conducting "hands-on" experiments with PCR tools. The technique is used by scientists in agriculture, medicine, and criminal justice (to name a few). MiniPCR provides inexpensive hardware, software, and classroom tested curriculum resources for a deep dive into DNA. Other PCR machine options maybe found with a Google search.