
Cotton Bolls

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Classroom kit:
Includes enough materials for 30 students.
cotton bolls in a bag

Grade K-12 (Kit) 

Help your students understand how the fiber in their clothing, towels, and sheets comes from cotton plants. The seeds must be removed from the cotton fibers to make cloth. This process is called ginning (after Eli Whitney's cotton gin; gin is short for engine). The cotton bolls in this kit may be hand ginned, or dissected, allowing students to experience the process of hand ginning, understand the significance of the cotton gin, and explain how machines help us today to be more productive. Each set contains 30 individually wrapped cotton bolls. Each cotton boll can easily be pulled apart into four distinct sections so that a group of four students may use one cotton boll.

Teacher Note: The purpose of this activity is to investigate cotton, the process of hand ginning cotton, and the impacts of the cotton gin. Adjusting this investigation into a role-play or simulation of a slave activity is absolutely discouraged. In addition, no student should be required to participate in hand ginning cotton. We recommend consulting your administrator and/or communicating with parents prior to presenting this lesson. You may want to consider ginning as a teacher demonstration if you anticipate tension or uncomfortable feelings. For more information concerning teaching about the history of African Enslavement, refer to research conducted by the Southern Poverty Law Center Teaching Hard History: American Slavery.

View Cotton Ginning Tutorial on YouTube

Lesson plans associated with this kit can be found on the National Agricultural Literacy Curriculum Matrix.

19 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5

    Cotton bolls

    Posted by Kim on May 13th 2019

    Great price for so many bolls! I teach in Ohio, and my students had no clue why the cotton gin was such a great invention. They had no idea where cotton can from. I bought these and had the kids remove the seeds. They have a new respect for what people had to do to get cotton in the "olden days". What a wonderful experience for them!

  • 5

    Plantation life lesson

    Posted by Michael on May 6th 2019

    I got this idea from another teacher and it works great. To feel the sharp cotton shell and go through the work of cleaning out seeds really helps students imagine at least part of what the life of an African slave was like on a Southern plantation. This year I borrowed a scale from the science department and had them weigh their product against the quotas slaves would have in a day. A great hands-on lesson!

  • 5

    Cotton bolls

    Posted by Tracy on Apr 15th 2019

    Exactly what I needed for a lesson on natural resources!